Responsive Website Design

Responsive Website Design

The importance of responsive website design

The current web user is searching sites on mobile devices and each year that number is increasing. For a while mobile users had to battle the desktop view of the site they were looking at struggling to read text and continually zooming in and out.

And then the responsive revolution came. Gone were the days of having to produce a desktop site and a mobile site we can now create one dynamic responsive site for desktops, laptops, tablet and mobile devices. Responsive website design is planned, designed and developed so your website is viewable and optimized on a huge range of devices. In this case viewable and optimized means the user when using the site on a mobile has an optimal view of pages, images, information with minimal scrolling and panning. We fully design responsive websites across all our projects and you would have to seriously question developers that don’t.


Responsive website design & development explained

multiple platform responsive website design development

Responsive website design is defined as front-end web development to allow user to have a high user experience no matter the device (mobile, tablet and desktop). CSS (cascading style sheet)  identifies the layout and format needed to suit particular devices and then moves to scale that layout and format to suit said device. We then implement JavaScript such as JQuery to create dynamic resizing of galleries and objects and also converting your mouse to touch accommodating the device touchscreen. CSS leaves out actually detecting the device rather it goes to basics and identifies width of device screen and device orientation.


airMY approach to responsive web design & Development

All our website development projects use responsive design for mobile, tablets, desktops, wide screen monitors. Seamless screen change is implemented in our website development or e-Commerce projects.


Keeping your users in mind

User experience (UX) should be at the top of any website development project. Whatever product or industry you promote UX is crucial and effortless browsing for your clients is very important. The use of tablets and mobile for website browsing in all industry is only going to get bigger and bigger.


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